Cutting Premiums is Good for Business
Dear Friends, Neighbors, and Constituents,
96% of all businesses in Montgomery County are small businesses, employing 50 or fewer employees. Small businesses are the backbone of Montgomery County's economy. But each month these small businesses are struggling to pay the ever increasing overhead presented by providing employee health benefits. They want to do the right thing and provide health benefits to their employees but health insurance premiums continue to increase year in and year out.
We can make it just a little bit easier to do business in Montgomery County. That's why I’m running to cut healthcare premiums which have increased by 50% across the state in the past four years and deductibles have increased by 150% on average for commercial plans.
Dave Edgerley, Secretary of Maryland’s Department of Business and Economic Development (2007-2009), agrees that my plan will help Maryland’s businesses and that’s why he has endorsed my campaign.
I'd like to save you a bit of money each month on your healthcare premiums but I can't do it without your help. Unlike many of my opponents, I do not accept political contributions from special interest groups, organizations, or PACs. I only accept contributions from individuals like you so that once I'm elected only individuals like you will be able to hold me accountable. Money does influence elections largely by allowing campaigns to increase their visibility by paying for postage and printing costs associated with mailings. You can see how my opponents and I are spending campaign funds and who we're raising them from on the State Board of Election's website:
Jordan Cooper
Democratic Candidate for Delegate
District 16
Maryland General Assembly
June 2018 Primary Elections