Why I'm Different

Dear Friend, Neighbor, & Constituent,

There are eight Democrats, including two incumbents, running for three seats to represent District 16 in the Maryland House of Delegates. Even though we are all members of the Democratic Party, there are significant differences among us. Some of my competition has never voted in D16 before. Some have ambiguous ethics, using images and names as endorsements that have never been offered. Some either contradict themselves or implicitly endorse large tax hikes by promising millions of dollars in dedicated funding to one special interest group and then turn around promising the same to others. 

To the best of my knowledge, none are offering to save you money as I am, none have proposed a budget-neutral plan to fund increases in teacher salaries, more school construction funds, and hiring more teachers without costing taxpayers anything, as I have. None have the depth and breadth of experience serving and representing you on water and sewer boards, commercial real estate boards, county budget boards, and the Democratic Party as I have in addition to my professional career as a health policy expert. None have been endorsed by four statewide elected officials including two governors of Maryland, as I have. None are refusing campaign contributions from PACs, corporations, and special interests as I am. I have stood up to special interests and have told them "No" when I might have received their endorsement if I had only said "Yes." I did so because I'm not looking to represent special interests in the legislature; I'm running to represent you.

It matters which Democrats we elect into office. Please take a moment to watch this video where I explain why I'm different from my competition. 


Jordan Cooper